Change... Really?
Ok, it's been a while since I posted here. I'm hoping that my blog doesn't become a legalistic sort of thing, but more of sharing what I am learning as God provides opportunities to learn even more about Him and His will for my life.
So after recovering from sleep deprivation from the 2011 Frontline Fall Retreat, I had a chance to process the teaching that was being offered up from the retreat. This year's event was "Change: Not only Possible, But Promised." The first night's session was being dished up by Frontline Silver Spring Pastor Mike Kelsey where he focused on the story of Jesus' encounter with a sickly man who was near the pool of Bethesda. In this particular section of John 5, Jesus asks the man a pretty obvious question, "Do you want to get well?" In this case, the man had been ill for 38 years and obviously was there at the pool, which had been known to be stirred by an angel of the Lord and offered healing. For this particular man, his response was that he had no one to carry him to the water.
Jesus' question goes deeper. While the question's leading edge seems quite obvious and probably even trite, but knowing Jesus' approach to things, his question was likely meant to be revealing as to the status of where this man's heart was in being ready for healing. For us, particularly for me, am I ready for change and the choices it will cause me to make in tough areas of my life?
So if the answer after some reflection is "Yes!," what does that mean? There are many areas in my own life where change needs to occur from how I react internally to changes in relationships with people, to how I deal with stress, to who I run to when I am hurt or sad or even happy. So while standing at the bus stop this evening, the connection between the concept of real genuine change with the concept of choosing to react to circumstances and life events that lead directly to God was made for me. Essentially, change is a choice between two options at its most basic level. Stay or move. In Mike's sermon it was, putting off the dead old self and putting on the new creation God has given us.
So in Galatians 5, provides insight to the choice that we make between living by the flesh and living by the Spirit. In other words, putting off the dead old flesh or choices we're use to making and putting on the new creation or seeking out the new options God provides for us in those same situations. There will likely always be a war that we wage between the temporary satisfaction of the flesh which is immediate gratification to how we view or perceive situations in life and the fruits of the spirit which are eternal and God focused.
I can choose to react in a way to hurt, pain, anger, frustration, stress, or any other emotion in a way that is gratifying to the flesh (in John 5's terms, staying by the pool and not seeking healing) or choosing to truly seek out God and the change he offers that allows for virtues like love, joy, faithfulness, goodness, kindness, self-control, peace, patience, gentleness, and self control to shine through in all situations. (Galatians 5:16-26)
Ok for those who have been reading since the beginning and know my use of wit, I know where to meet God.... at the sink doing dishes and at the bus stop! Lesson learned today and my prayer is for God to illuminate the choices I make and that the pull of the Holy Spirit becomes even stronger so that change will always bring me towards the best choice of all, God.
Until next time.
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